7 Steps to Start Your Business on the Path to Digital Transformation

The pandemic has proven to be fatal for some companies. On the other hand, for others, it has acted as a spur to the choice of strategic plans and methodologies for adaptation through digitization. There is no other option for a company but to start towards digitization and nowadays there is the availability of numerous advanced technologies and methods. The key step for a company is to understand what exactly digital transformation means for their company.

Digital transformation is a priority for CEOs and executives of a company - to create a platform that is uniform and connected. If you want to outline a digital strategy , you have to think long-term and stay up-to-date about it. Gartner outlines three important steps you need to keep in mind if you want to implement a digital strategy.

First of all, you have to define a strategy: as mentioned above this has to consider multiple factors such as the company's reach, customers, needs, and goals. Once you recognize these you need to choose a technology that is as suitable as possible to improve these factors.

Once you understand how to apply information and technology to achieve your company's long-term goals, start building a strategic plan that will provide guidelines for achieving them.

Carry out operational plans: take care of the running of specific projects and changes. Initiate, update or refresh strategic plans, according to the new environment or direction of the business.

According to fresh data from PwC , 60% of executives believe that digital transformation is their most critical growth driver in 2022.

What does "digital transformation" means to your company?

Definitely, the direction towards a digital transformation of your business will bring a change that operates on the business itself. The automation of many work processes, as well as the collection and storage of data in cloud environments, will make some previously tedious and time-consuming processes quick and easy. Everything you can automate, automate it! With this breakthrough you will see your efficiency increase, your work processes simplified, and your profit increase.

There's no doubt about it - the trend of digitization is increasing and accelerating all the time. But when it comes to digital transformation, you can't expect a single definition of what it is. What is common knowledge is that it is penetrating every business, of every industry. Every company's start towards digital transformation is different - this depends on their customers, clients, and needs.

To effectively and appropriately outline and define this transformation for your company - you need to look at it from a global perspective. You need to analyze what are the goals of a company, its market competitiveness, the technologies that best suit the work to be done; but also all the variable factors that affect and influence your business. So the questions to ask yourself are - in what context will this digital transformation take place? Why do I need it and what benefits do I want to derive from it?

Which are your capabilities? How will you go digital?

Ascertaining what your capabilities are is essential, take into account what capabilities you have - know what your technology level is, your business IT sector, and workers.

It's important to be sure and keep track of what your levels are before you even implement a digitization strategy - maybe your workers aren't specialized for the changes you have planned, and maybe you don't have enough resources to devote to the digitization strategy you have in mind. Reverse reasoning would be too much of a risk for the company.

So as outlined, on the one hand, digital transformation is deemed necessary in 2022 for a company to succeed and prevail over its competitors, but on the other hand, the initial steps a company must take are critical and must be well defined in order to have benefits. So how to go digital? what to take into account?

1. How to get the most benefit from it?

The approach must be simple. To truly reap the benefits, a strategy must be properly tuned to the needs and requirements of the business and more - it must positively drive services and improve revenue.

Each step must be well defined as the strategy is implemented to track any negative or positive changes so that resources and money are not wasted. Digitization of your business will bring great innovations in the way work is conceived and processed, it will increase productivity as well as the efficiency and responsiveness of certain work processes, it will improve customer experience and their engagements, there will be better management of resources - I will stop here because the list may not end.

2. How can I train my workers to better adapt to the changes?

You don't always have workers who are skilled at managing and analyzing important data, let alone improving their use cases. You need to use resources to upgrade your IT department.

Adapting to change is never easy. But, it can be made so through communication and collaboration. Employees, leaders, and every team member must want to achieve common goals, e.g. increasing the efficiency of workflows and the profitability of the company, in short, its success. Employees must be given appropriate training in new technologies. They must feel encouraged to collaborate for positive change.

3. Create the right team.

That's a crucial step. This is as critical as it is essential. The right team will drive your business's digital transformation through data analysis, strategy planning, change implementation, and management. Don't just stop at the implementation of the available technologies; you have to have staff who are skilled in each of the different steps required for transformation. However, building a strong IT infrastructure in order to provide a central digital nervous system for your organization is recommended.

4. Identify long-term costs and resources

Very often companies do not have an IT department that can independently create a software solution suitable for our goals and needs on the path to digitization, so it will be necessary to buy software solutions from other companies and it is important in these terms to take into account the costs of subscriptions that initially may be low cost but may increase in the following years. Take into account the possibilities and resources of your company.

5. Make sure to improve the customer experience and thus the quality of services offered

Any changes and initiatives implemented by the company should have as their main goal to improve the user experience and not just the company internally. Whether the results positively affect revenue and therefore resources, the focus of the leaders must always and only be the efficiency of their services.

6. Define your goal

When it comes to business everything flows in the direction of your goals and these are the most important factors to consider before planning a digital strategy and before choosing and implementing any software solution. What do you want to achieve? What do you need to achieve it, what costs and resources? What deadline do you give yourself and what budget do you have?

7. Begin your digital transformation!

How do we power Digital Transformation? Vayu offers tools, services, and support to help companies go digital. We offer software solutions made just for you! Customer- tailored, efficient and simple software solutions to digitize your work processes are possible thanks to advanced low-code development technology and this can be developed through our interactive platform - a platform totally developed by us!

With low-code development, we were able to quickly and easily create a platform that substantially reduces costs and time. This platform that we called the “Fast Development Engine" offers pre-programmed modules in order to reduce the transcription of codes by hand and lighten the workload.

Come and see on our website what we can offer you and what best suits you! And contact us!